A perfect partner companion for petroleum refiners, gas manufacturers, stack gas and DeNox plant operators
Eco Physics’ nCLD 822 Mh includes everything that is needed for measuring NO, NO2, NOx and optionally NH₃ in un-preconditioned gas samples. Equipped with an enhanced detector-block, sample flow and pressure regulation, as well as temperature independence, the nCLD 800 instruments allow for even lower detection limits. Choose freely up to four measurement ranges within 5,000ppm, at a minimum detectable concentration of 0.12ppm. The integrated hot tubing enables the instrument to analyse hot and moist sources without external preconditioning. The calibration of the unit runs quickly and automatically, with all necessary data stored and available anywhere and at any time. The new touch sensitive graphical user interface “GUI” enables the user to individually adjust the instrument operation and data management according to their requirements. The bright 8” monitor displays the values and the instrument’s performance in each, individual preferred way. Multiple digital in- and outputs guarantee a maximal connectivity for remote operation, control and maintenance of the nCLD 822 Mh, ensuring unsurpassed precision and reliability. The measurement principle will conform to the standard method for NOX-detection in stationary source emissions (EN 15267).
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